Doing business with the Stratford Police Service

The Stratford Police Service uses's ePurchasing platform to:

  • Advertisements/Bid Scope
  • Distribute Electronic Documents
  • Display Document Takers

About the Stratford Police Service
To Serve and Protect in partnership with our community.

We Value:

Providing quality service in an equitable and assessable manner

Ensuring the safety and security of all persons and property
Safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code
Avoiding any expression or display of prejudice, bigotry, discrimination and sexual or racial harassment towards any person
Achieving cooperation between the police service and the community we serve through openness and accountability
Setting an example for the community we serve and being an integral part of that community
Being aggressive in the pursuit of new initiatives and programs that benefit both the community and our members
Maintaining a commitment to continuous learning and improvement


Currently, there are no bids open for bidding. However, you should click the Historical Bids tab to view a list of the closed bids.